Throughout this Agreement, references to “Client,” “you,” or “your” mean the entity who has accepted a quote, proposal, service order, or similar document (electronic or otherwise) from Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. (In this Agreement we refer collectively to these type of documents as a “Quote,” although the actual title(s) or caption(s) of the service-related document might vary.)
Scope of Services
This is a “master” agreement and, as such, specific services are not listed in this Agreement. Instead, any services to be provided to you or facilitated for you (as applicable) will be described in a Quote (collectively, “Services”). The scope of our engagement with you is limited to those services expressly listed in a Quote; all other services, projects, and related matters are out-of-scope and will not be provided to you unless we expressly agree to do so in writing (collectively, “Out of Scope Services”).
In addition to a Quote, the Services are also defined, clarified, and governed under an additional document that we will refer to in this Agreement as a “Services Statement.” Our Services Statement is akin to a “user manual” that provides important and binding details about the Services, including:
- How the Services are provided/delivered
- Service levels applicable to the Services
- Additional payment terms/obligations
- Auto-renewal terms for the Services
Please read both the Quote and the Services Statement before accepting the Quote. If you have any questions about either of those documents or this Agreement, please do not sign the Quote and, instead, contact us for more information.
Each Quote will be governed under the version of this Agreement that is in place as of the “last updated” date indicated at the bottom of this document. For that reason, you should keep a copy of this document and make a note of the date indicated below when you accept a Quote.
The provisions of a Quote govern over conflicting or different terms contained in this Agreement and the Services Statement—this allows us to craft solutions to meet your needs by making applicable changes in the Quote. Conflicting language between the Services Statement and this Agreement will be interpreted in favor of the Services Statement.
Third Party Providers/Services
Some services may be provided to you directly by our personnel, such as situations in which our personnel install software agents on managed devices or physically install equipment at your premises. These services are distinguishable from services that are provided to you or us by third party providers, who are often referred to in the industry as “upstream providers.” (In this Agreement, we refer to upstream providers as “Third Party Providers” and the services that are provided by Third Party Providers are referred to as “Third Party Services”).
By way of example, Third Party Services may include:
- Help desk services
- Malware detection and remediation services
- Backup and disaster recovery solutions
- Provision of software used to monitor the managed part of your network
As your managed information technology provider, we will select the Third Party Providers that provide services appropriate for your managed information technology environment (the “Environment”) and facilitate the provision of Third Party Services to you. Not all Third Party Services will be expressly identified as being provided by a Third Party Provider, and we reserve the right to change Third Party Providers in our sole discretion as long as the change does not materially diminish the Services that we are obligated to provide to you under a Quote.
We are resellers of the Third Party Services and do not provide those services to you directly. For this reason, we are not and cannot be responsible for any defect, omission, or failure of any Third Party Service, or any failure of any Third Party Provider to provide its services to you or to us. Third Party Services are provided on an “as is” basis only. If an issue requiring remediation arises with a Third Party Service, then we will endeavor to provide a reasonable workaround or, if available, a “temporary fix” for the situation; however, we do not warrant or guarantee that any particular workaround or fix will be available or achieve any particular result, or that Third Party Services will run in an uninterrupted or error-free manner.
Price Increases
We reserve the right to pass through to you any increases in the costs and/or fees charged by Third Party Providers for the Third Party Services (“Pass Through Increases”). Since we do not control Third Party Providers, we cannot predict whether such price increases will occur, however, should they occur, we will endeavor to provide you with as much advance notice as reasonably possible.
Advice; Instructions
From time to time, we may provide you with specific advice and directions related to the Services (“Advice”). Our Advice may include:
- Increasing server or hard drive capacity
- Increasing CPU power
- Replacing obsolete equipment
- Requesting that you refrain from engaging in acts that disrupt the Environment or that make the Environment less secure
You are strongly advised to promptly follow our advice which, depending on the situation, may require you to make additional purchases or investments in the Environment at your sole cost. We are not responsible for any problems or issues (such as downtime or security-related issues) caused by your failure to promptly follow our Advice.
If, in our reasonable discretion, your failure to follow our Advice makes part or all of the Services economically or technically unreasonable or impracticable to provide, then we may:
- Terminate the applicable Services For Cause (explained below) by providing notice of termination to you, or
- Adjust the scope of the Quote to exclude any impacted or affected portion of the Environment
Unless specifically and expressly stated in writing by us (such as in a Quote), any services required to remediate issues caused by your failure to follow our Advice, or your unauthorized modification of the Environment, as well as any services required to bring the Environment up to or maintain the Minimum Requirements (defined below), are out-of-scope.
In co-managed situations (e.g., where you have designated other vendors or personnel, or “Co-Managed Providers,” to provide you with services that overlap or conflict with the Services provided by us), we will endeavor to implement the Services in an efficient and effective manner; however:
- We will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of Co-Managed Providers, or the remediation of any problems, errors, or downtime associated with those acts or omissions.
- In the event that a Co-Managed Provider’s determination on an issue differs from our position on a Service-related matter, we will yield to the Co-Managed Provider’s determination and bring that situation to your attention.
All Services will be implemented and/or facilitated (as applicable) on a schedule, and in a prioritized manner, as we determine reasonable and necessary. Exact commencement / start dates may vary or deviate from the dates we state to you depending on the Services being provided and the extent to which prerequisites (if any), such as transition or onboarding activities, must be completed.
To avoid a delay or negative impact on the Services, we strongly recommend that you refrain from modifying or moving the Environment, or installing software in the Environment, unless we expressly authorize such activity. In all situations (including those in which we are co-managing an Environment with you as described above), we will not be responsible for changes to the Environment that are not authorized by us or any issues or errors that arise from those changes.
Third Party Support
If, in our discretion, a hardware or software issue requires vendor or OEM support, we may contact the vendor or OEM (as applicable) on your behalf and invoice you for all fees and costs involved in that process. If the fees or costs are anticipated in advance or exceed $300, we will obtain your permission before incurring such expenses on your behalf unless exigent circumstances require us to act otherwise.
Authorized Contact(s)
We will be entitled to rely on any directions or consent provided by your personnel or representatives who you designate to provide such directions or consent (“Authorized Contacts”). If no Authorized Contact is identified in an applicable Quote or if a previously identified Authorized Contact is no longer available to us, then your Authorized Contact will be the person:
- Who accepted the Quote, and/or
- Who is generally designated by you during our relationship to provide us with direction or guidance
We will be entitled to rely upon directions and guidance from your Authorized Contact until we are affirmatively made aware of a change of status of the Authorized Contact. If your change is provided to us in writing (physical document or by email), then the change will be implemented within two (2) business days after the first business day on which we receive your change notice. If your change notice is provided to us in person or by telephone (live calls only), the change will be implemented on the same business day in which the conversation takes place.
Do not use a ticketing system or help desk request to notify us about the change of an Authorized Contact; similarly, do not leave a recorded message for us informing us of a change to your Authorized Contact. We reserve the right but not the obligation to delay the Services until we can confirm the Authorized Contact’s authority within your organization.
You hereby grant to us and our designated Third Party Providers the right to monitor, diagnose, manipulate, communicate with, retrieve information from, and otherwise access the Environment solely as necessary to enable us or those providers, as applicable, to provide the Services. Depending on the Service, we may be required to install one or more software agents into the Environment through which such access may be enabled.
It is your responsibility to secure, at your own cost and prior to the commencement of any Services, any necessary rights of entry, licenses (including software licenses), permits or other permissions necessary for Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. or applicable Third Party Providers to provide the Services to you. Proper and safe environmental conditions must be always provided and assured by you. Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. shall not be required to engage in any activity or provide any Services under conditions that pose or may pose a safety or health concern to any personnel, or that would require extraordinary or non-industry standard efforts to achieve.
Ongoing Requirements
Everything in the managed environment must be genuine and licensed—including all hardware, software, etc. If we ask for proof of authenticity and/or licensing, you must provide us with such proof. We require certain minimum hardware and software requirements (“Minimum Requirements”), you agree to implement and maintain as an ongoing requirement in order for us to meet our service obligations. These “Minimum Requirements” are further defined below.
Our response to issues relating to the Services will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Quote or, if applicable, Services Statement. In no event will we be responsible for delays in our response or our provision of Services during:
- Those periods of time covered under the Transition Exception (defined below), or
- Periods of delay caused by Scheduled Down Time, Client-Side Downtime, Vendor-Side Downtime (all defined below), or
- Periods in which we are required to suspend the Services to protect the security or integrity of the Environment or our equipment or network, or
- Delays caused by a force majeure event (i.e., unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract).
Scheduled Downtime
For the purposes of this Agreement, Scheduled Downtime will mean those hours, as determined by us but which will not occur between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday without your authorization or unless exigent circumstances exist, during which time we will perform scheduled maintenance or adjustments to the Environment. We will use our best efforts to provide you with at least twenty-four (24) hours of notice prior to scheduling Scheduled Downtime.
Client-Side Downtime
We will not be responsible under any circumstances for any delays or deficiencies in the provision of, or access to, the Services to the extent that such delays or deficiencies are caused by your actions or omissions (“Client-Side Downtime”). Client-Side Downtime includes, but is not limited to, any period of time during which we require your participation, or we require information, directions, or authorization from you but cannot reach your Authorized Contact(s).
Vendor-Side Downtime
We will not be responsible under any circumstances for any delays or deficiencies in the provision of, or access to, the Services to the extent that such delays or deficiencies are caused by third party service providers, third party licensors, or “upstream” service or product vendors.
Transition Period Response Times
You understand and agree that our standard response time commitments may not apply in two situations:
- During the first 90 days after starting any new Service (the “Initial Transition Period”).
- During any period when we are helping you transition to another service provider or terminate a service (the “Off-boarding Period”).
During these Transition Periods, our response times may be longer than usual due to the complex nature of setup or transition activities. We will make every effort to minimize disruptions, but some unexpected delays or downtime may occur. We call this temporary adjustment to our response times the “Transition Exception”.
There are some hardware and software requirements listed below that you need to have in place in order for us to meet our service obligations. If you do not have all of these minimum requirements in place before your agreement start date, we will work with you on a plan to bring your hardware & software up to date. We understand that this may take some time depending on timing and budgets so we will do our best to support any items that do not currently meet our minimum requirements. However, if an item requiring support does not meet our minimum requirements, it will be at our sole discretion whether we bill you for any time incurred for supporting that item.
Computer Hardware
Should be at least a Core i5 or i7 processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 512GB SSD. Computer should be purchased new and be no more than 5 years old and preferably come with an active hardware warranty from the manufacturer. Please note that hardware issues are not covered by any support plan; we will attempt to provide assistance on a time and materials basis.
Computer Software
All software used by the client must be properly licensed and any software crucial for the business’s day to day operation should also carry an active support plan from its manufacturer.
All printers should carry a valid manufacturer warranty; larger copiers/multi-function printers that require maintenance and technician visits for troubleshooting should carry an active service agreement with a designated print services provider.
Tablets & Phones
- All mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) used for business purposes must:
a. Run the most up-to-date operating system and be capable of receiving regular updates.
b. Be no more than 5 years old.
c. Be protected with a secure lock screen (PIN, password, fingerprint, or face recognition). - For security reasons, lost or stolen devices must be reported to us immediately.
- Hardware issues with tablets and phones are not covered under our standard support plan and will be addressed on a time and materials basis.
- In certain situations where we are unable to provide assistance, we may ask you to visit or mail your mobile device to the manufacturer for service.
Network Hardware
- Equipment Quality and Age:
All network hardware must be business-grade and no more than 5 years old from the date of manufacture. This ensures reliability and compatibility with current security standards. - Management and Updates:
Network hardware must support cloud-based management and have active subscriptions for automatic firmware and security updates. This is essential for efficient management and ongoing security. - Wireless Network Setup:
A separate guest wireless network is required for non-employees and personal devices. The main wireless network must use WPA2 encryption or better to protect business data. - Network Organization:
Network equipment must support VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks). This feature is necessary to separate different types of network traffic, such as isolating guest devices from the main business network. - Equipment Placement:
Network equipment must be placed in a well-ventilated area, secure from unauthorized access and physical disturbance. - Remote Access:
If remote access is needed for business operations, the network equipment must support current VPN (Virtual Private Network) standards for secure connections. - Compliance:
All network hardware must meet these requirements. Any equipment that doesn’t comply will need to be upgraded or replaced to ensure the security and efficiency of your network.
Other Hardware
- Approval Requirement:
All technology assets with access to the business network or data must be approved by Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. to ensure they do not jeopardize the security and stability of your business. - Current Standards Compliance:
Devices that are out of production, not receiving current updates, or do not support current security standards must not be used to access the business network or data. - Environmental Monitoring:
Server rooms or network closets must have environmental monitoring systems to alert for issues with temperature, humidity, or water detection. - Power Protection:
Surge protectors and battery backups must be utilized on all workstations and mission-critical hardware to provide protection against power surges. - Compliance:
Any hardware not meeting these requirements must be upgraded or replaced to ensure the overall security and efficiency of the business technology environment. - Maintenance and Replacement:
All hardware covered in this section must be maintained according to manufacturer specifications. Equipment approaching end-of-life or end-of-support must be scheduled for replacement before manufacturer support expires.
Other Services
- Software and Service Requirements:
All software and services in use must be provided by a manufacturer that is still in business and maintaining their offering with an active subscription or support plan. - Cloud Services, Apps, and Software:
All cloud services, apps, and software used for business purposes must be approved by Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. These must meet current industry security standards and comply with relevant data protection regulations. - Email and Communication Platforms:
Business email and communication platforms must support encryption, multi-factor authentication, and be configured to our security standards. - Software Licensing and Compliance:
All software used within the business must be properly licensed and maintained with current updates and support agreements. - Vendor Management:
Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. must be informed of all IT-related vendor relationships to ensure proper integration and security compliance. - Project Management:
Any IT-related projects must be coordinated with Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. to ensure alignment with overall IT strategy and security standards.
This support process applies to clients who have completed the onboarding process and are in good standing with Chat Tech Solutions, Inc., including being current with all financial obligations. Clients not meeting these criteria may experience limited access to support services.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs): For information on specific response times and service level commitments, please refer to your Quote or Service Agreement. If SLA commitments have been agreed upon, they will be explicitly stated in these documents. In the absence of specified SLAs, we will make every reasonable effort to address your support requests in a timely manner, but without specific time guarantees.
To ensure you receive timely and effective assistance, please follow our support process as outlined below:
- Approved Methods: Support requests must be submitted through one of the following approved methods:
- Phone: 773-244-6313
- Email:
- Web Portal:
- Required Information: When submitting a support request, You must provide:
- A clear, concise description of the issue
- Any relevant screenshots or error messages
- Your name, company name, email address, phone number
d. Best time to reach you for help - Business Hours: Support requests submitted during Our Business Hours will be addressed according to the response times specified in the applicable Service Level Agreement, if any. For our business hours please refer to our website.
- After-Hours Requests: Support requests that require immediate attention outside of Our Business Hours may incur additional charges.
- Prohibited Practices: Support requests must not be lodged directly with individual technicians. This practice detracts from resolving current issues and may result in delays.
- Prioritization: We reserve the right to prioritize support requests based on urgency and impact, as determined by Our assessment of the situation.
- Updates: You agree to make yourself available to provide any additional information or updates that may be necessary to resolve the support request.
- Closure: A support request will be considered resolved and closed when You confirm that the issue has been addressed to Your satisfaction, or after five (3) business days of inactivity following Our last communication, whichever occurs first.
You acknowledge that adherence to this process is crucial for Us to provide timely and effective support. Failure to follow this process may result in delays in addressing Your support requests.
You agree to pay the fees, costs, and expenses charged by us for the Services as described in each Quote and Services Statement. You are responsible for sales tax and any other taxes or governmental fees associated with the Services. If you qualify for a tax exemption, you must provide us with a valid certificate of exemption or other appropriate proof of exemption. You are also responsible for all freight, insurance, and taxes (including but not limited to import or export duties, sales, use, value add, and excise taxes).
Unless otherwise indicated in a Quote, fees, costs, and expenses are payable as follows:
- Recurring Services: Fees for recurring Services are payable in advance. Your designated credit card will be charged or ACH transfer will be initiated on the first day of the calendar month in which recurring Services are to be provided to you.
- Product Purchases: Payment for any products (hardware, software licenses, etc.) will be processed immediately upon placing the order.
- One-time and Project Fees: Non-recurring, project, or “one-time”-type fees and costs will be automatically charged to your designated credit card or initiated via ACH transfer seven (7) days after we submit an invoice to you.
All fees must be paid by credit card or ACH (Automated Clearing House) transfer unless we approve another method of payment.
Credit Card Processing Fees
When you choose to pay by credit card, a processing fee of 2.91% will be added to your invoice. This fee is imposed by our payment processor and is passed directly to you. Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. does not control or benefit from this fee. Please note that this rate may change based on our payment processor’s policies, and any such changes will be reflected in your invoices. These processing fees do not apply to payments made via ACH transfer.
Fees that remain unpaid for more than fifteen (15) days when due will be subject to a one-time, fifteen percent (15%) administrative fee. We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to suspend part or all of the Services without prior notice to you in the event that any portion of undisputed fees are not timely paid. Monthly or recurring charges (if applicable) will continue to accrue during any period of suspension. Notice of disputes related to fees must be received by us within sixty (60) days after the applicable Service is rendered or the date on which you pay an invoice, whichever is later; otherwise, you waive your right to dispute the fee thereafter. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable reconnect fee (of no more than 10% of your monthly recurring fees) if we suspend the Services due to your nonpayment.
Fee increases, such as increases in our monthly recurring fees or service rates, will be handled in the manner described in the Quote and Services Statement. Please read those documents carefully so that you understand how, and when, such increases may occur. Please note: Limits on fee increases, if described in the Quote or Services Statement, will not apply to Pass Through Increases (described above) which will be excluded when calculating fee increases.
Any costs or expenses that we incur while providing the Services during a national, state, or local emergency or during a period in which there are fuel, manpower, or other national or local shortages (“State of Emergency”) will be invoiced and payable by you. By way of example, such expenses may include incremental increases in the cost of gasoline or electrical power, or the purchase of health or safety equipment reasonably necessary to provide the Services to you.
Hardware / Software Purchases
All equipment, machines, hardware, software, peripherals, or accessories purchased through Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. (“Third Party Products”) are generally nonrefundable once the item is obtained from Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.'s third party provider or reseller. If you desire to return a Third Party Product, then the third party provider’s or reseller’s return policies will apply. We do not guarantee that Third Party Products will be returnable, exchangeable, or that re-stocking fees can or will be avoided, and you agree to be responsible for paying all re-stocking or return-related fees charged by the third party provider or reseller.
We will use reasonable efforts to assign, transfer and facilitate all warranties (if any) and service level commitments (if any) for the Third Party Products to you, but will have no liability whatsoever for the quality, functionality, or operability of any Third Party Products, and we will not be held liable as an insurer or guarantor of the performance, uptime or usefulness of any Third Party Products. All Third Party Products are provided “as is” and without any warranty whatsoever as between Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. and you (including but not limited to implied warranties).
Liability Limitations
This paragraph limits the liabilities arising from the Services and is a bargained-for and material part of our business relationship with you. You acknowledge and agree that Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. would not provide any Services, or enter into any Quote or this Agreement, unless Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. could rely on the limitations described in this paragraph. In no event will either party be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, consequential, or punitive damages, such as lost revenue, loss of profits (except for fees due and owing to Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.), savings, or other indirect or contingent event-based economic loss arising out of or in connection with the Services, this Agreement, any Quote, or for any breach hereof or for any damages caused by any delay in furnishing Services under this Agreement or any Quote, even if a party has been advised of the possibility of such damages; however, reasonable attorneys’ fees awarded to a prevailing party (as described below), your indemnification obligations, and any amounts due and payable pursuant to the non-solicitation provision of this Agreement shall not be limited by the foregoing limitation.
Except for the foregoing exceptions, a responsible party’s (“Responsible Party’s”) aggregate liability to the other party (“Aggrieved Party”) for damages from any and all claims or causes whatsoever, and regardless of the form of any such action(s), that arise from or relate to this Agreement (collectively, “Claims”), whether in contract, tort, indemnification, or negligence, shall be limited solely to the amount of the Aggrieved Party’s actual and direct damages, not to exceed the amount of fees paid by you (excluding hard costs for licenses, hardware, etc.) to Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. for the specific Service upon which the applicable claim(s) is/are based during the three (3) month period immediately prior to the date on which the cause of action accrued or $10,000, whichever is greater.
The foregoing limitations shall apply even if the remedies listed in this Agreement fail of their essential purpose; however, the limitations shall not apply to the extent that the Claims are caused by a Responsible Party’s willful or intentional misconduct, or gross negligence. Similarly, a Responsible Party’s liability obligation shall be reduced to the extent that a Claim is caused by, or the result of, the Aggrieved Party’s willful or intentional misconduct, gross negligence, or to the extent that the Aggrieved Party failed to reasonably mitigate (or attempt to mitigate, as applicable) the Claims.
Under no circumstances shall Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. have any liability for any claims or causes of action arising from or related to Out of Scope Services.
Each party (an “Indemnifying Party”) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the other party (an “Indemnified Party”) harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, (collectively, “Damages”) that arise from, or are related to, the Indemnifying Party’s breach of this Agreement. The Indemnified Party will have the right, but not the obligation, to control the intake, defense and disposition of any claim or cause of action for which indemnity may be sought under this section. The Indemnifying Party shall be permitted to have counsel of its choosing participate in the defense of the applicable claim(s); however, (i) such counsel shall be retained at the Indemnifying Party’s sole cost, and (ii) the Indemnified Party’s counsel shall be the ultimate determiner of the strategy and defense of the claim(s) for which indemnity is provided. No claim for which indemnity is sought by an Indemnified Party will be settled without the Indemnifying Party’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.
There are several dates of which you should be aware, including the effective/termination dates of this Agreement and the effective/termination dates of the Services under a Quote. Each Quote will have its own term and will be terminated only as provided in this Agreement or as provided in the Quote or Services Statement.
This Agreement
This Agreement applies to all Services and is effective as of the date on which we provide a Service to you or on the date on which you accept a Quote, whichever is earlier (“Effective Date”). This Agreement will terminate automatically (i) if you or we terminate this Agreement For Cause (described below), or (ii) six (6) months after the last date on which we provide any Service to you. Upon the termination of this Agreement, all Services will immediately and permanently cease; however, the termination of this Agreement shall not change or eliminate any fees that accrued and/or were payable to us prior to the date of termination, all of which shall be paid by you. Please note, this Agreement shall not be terminated by either party without cause if Services are in progress under a Quote.
The term of the Services will be as indicated in the applicable Quote and Services Statement. The termination of Services under one Quote shall not, by itself, cause the termination of (or otherwise impact) this Agreement or the status or progress of any other Services between the parties. Please note, a Quote and/or Services Statement may provide for auto-renewal of the Services; please review your documents carefully.
Termination Without Cause
Unless otherwise indicated in the Quote or otherwise permitted under this Agreement, no party will terminate this Agreement without cause if, on the date of termination, Services are in progress. In addition, no party will terminate a Quote without cause prior to the Quote’s natural (e., specified) expiration or termination date. (By way of example: If a Quote provides for an annual service, then the Services under that Quote cannot be terminated without cause prior to the expiration of one year). If you terminate the Services under a Quote without cause and without Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.'s consent, then you agree to be responsible for paying the termination fee described in the “Termination for Cause” section, below.
Termination For Cause
In the event that one party (a “Defaulting Party”) commits a material breach under a Quote, Services Statement, or under this Agreement, the non-Defaulting Party will have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate immediately the Services under the relevant Quote (a “For Cause” termination) provided that (i) the non-Defaulting Party has notified the Defaulting Party of the specific details of the breach in writing, and (ii) the Defaulting Party has not cured the default within twenty (20) days (ten (10) days for non-payment by Client) following receipt of written notice of breach from the non-Defaulting Party.
Remedies for Early Termination
If Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. terminates this Agreement or any Quote For Cause, or if you terminate any Services under a Quote without cause prior to such Quote’s expiration date, then Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. shall be entitled to receive, and you hereby agree to pay to us, all amounts that would have been paid to Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. had this Agreement or Quote (as applicable) remained in full effect, calculated using the fees and costs in effect as of the date of termination (“Termination Fee”). If you terminate this Agreement or a Quote For Cause, then you will be responsible for paying only for those Services that were delivered properly and accepted by you up to the effective date of termination, and nothing more.
Service Tickets
Given the vast number of interactions between hardware, software, wireless, and cloud-based solutions, a managed network may occasionally experience disruptions and/or downtime due to, among other things, hardware/software conflicts, communication-related issues, obsolete equipment, and/or user error (“Conflicts”). We cannot and do not guarantee that such Conflicts will not occur, and you understand and agree that the number of service tickets submitted by you is not, by itself, an indication of default by Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.
Client Activity as a Basis for Termination
If you or any of your staff, personnel, contractors, or representatives engages in any unacceptable act or behavior that renders it impracticable, imprudent, or unreasonable to provide the Services to you, then in addition to Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.'s other rights under this Agreement, Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. will have the right upon providing you with ten (10) days prior written notice, to terminate this Agreement or the applicable Quote For Cause.
You and we may mutually consent, in writing, to terminate a Quote or this Agreement at any time.
Equipment / Software Removal
Upon termination of this Agreement or applicable Quote for any reason, you will provide us with access, during normal business hours, to your premises or any other locations at which Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. Equipment is located to enable us to remove all Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. Equipment from the premises. If you fail or refuse to grant Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. access as described herein, or if any of the Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. Equipment is missing, broken or damaged (normal wear and tear excepted) or any of Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.-supplied software is missing, we will have the right to invoice you for, and you hereby agree to pay immediately, the full replacement value of all missing or damaged items. Certain services may require the installation of software agents in the Environment (“Software Agents”). You agree not to remove, disable, circumvent, or otherwise disrupt any Software Agents unless we explicitly direct you to do so.
Transition; Deletion of Data
If you request our assistance to transition away from our services, we will provide such assistance if (i) all fees due and owing to us are paid to us in full prior to Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. providing its assistance to you, and (ii) you agree to pay our then-current hourly rate for such assistance, with up-front amounts to be paid to us as we may require. For the purposes of clarity, it is understood and agreed that the retrieval and provision of passwords, log files, administrative server information, or conversion of data are transition services, and are subject to the preceding requirements. You also understand and agree that any software configurations that we custom create or program for you are our proprietary information and shall not be disclosed to you under any circumstances. Unless otherwise expressly stated in a Quote or Services Statement or prohibited by applicable law, we will have no obligation to store or maintain any Client data in our possession or control following the termination of this Agreement or the applicable Services.
For the purposes of this Agreement, Confidential Information means all non-public information provided by one party (“Discloser”) to the other party (“Recipient”), including but not limited to customer-related data, customer lists, internal documents, internal communications, proprietary reports and methodologies, and related information. Confidential Information will not include information that:
- Has become part of the public domain through no act or omission of the Recipient
- Was developed independently by the Recipient
- Is or was lawfully and independently provided to the Recipient prior to disclosure by the Discloser, from a third party who is not and was not subject to an obligation of confidentiality or otherwise prohibited from transmitting such information
The Recipient will keep the Confidential Information it receives fully confidential and will not use or disclose such information to any third party for any purpose except:
- As expressly authorized by the Discloser in writing
- As needed to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement
- As required by any law, rule, or industry-related regulation
Due Care
The Recipient will exercise the same degree of care with respect to the Confidential Information it receives from the Discloser as it normally takes to safeguard and preserve its own confidential and proprietary information, which in all cases will be at least a commercially reasonable level of care.
Compelled Disclosure
If a Recipient is legally compelled (whether by deposition, interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena, civil investigation, demand or similar process) to disclose any of the Confidential Information, and provided that it is not prohibited by law from doing so, that Recipient will immediately notify the Discloser in writing of such requirement so that the Recipient may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive the Discloser’s compliance with the provisions of this Section. The Recipient will use its best efforts, as directed by the Discloser and at the Discloser’s expense, to obtain or assist the Recipient in obtaining any such protective order. Failing the entry of a protective order or the receipt of a waiver hereunder, the Recipient may disclose, without liability hereunder, that portion (and only that portion) of the Confidential Information that the Recipient has been advised, by written opinion from its counsel (which shall be shared with the Discloser), that the Recipient is legally compelled to disclose.
Additional NDA
In our provision of the Services, you and we may be required to enter into one or more additional nondisclosure agreements (each an “NDA”) for the protection of a third party’s Confidential Information (such as, for example, a business associate agreement). In that event, the terms of the NDA will be read in conjunction with the terms of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement, and the terms that protect confidentiality most stringently shall govern the use and destruction of the relevant Confidential Information.
Each party is, and will remain, the owner and/or licensor of all works of authorship, patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property owned by such party (“Intellectual Property”), and nothing in this Agreement, any Quote, or a Services Statement conveys or grants any ownership rights or goodwill in one party’s Intellectual Property to the other party. For the purposes of clarity, you understand and agree that we own any software, codes, algorithms, or other works of authorship that we create while providing the Services to you. If we provide licenses to you for third party software, then you understand and agree that such software is licensed, and not sold, to you, and your use of that software is subject to the terms and conditions of:
- This Agreement
- The applicable Quote
- Written directions supplied to you by us
- Any applicable EULA
No other uses of such third party software are permitted. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we make no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to third party software or its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
Except for undisputed collections actions to recover fees due to us (“Collections”), any dispute, claim or controversy arising from or related to this Agreement, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, shall be settled by arbitration before one arbitrator who is mutually agreed upon by the parties. The arbitration shall be administered and conducted by the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”) or if there is no AAA-certified arbitrator available within a twenty (20) mile radius of our office, then by any arbitration forum as determined by us, pursuant to the selected forum’s arbitration rules for commercial disputes (the “Rules”). In the event of any inconsistency between the Rules and the procedures set forth in this paragraph, the procedures set forth in this paragraph will control. The arbitrator will be experienced in contract, intellectual property and information technology transactions. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within fifteen (15) days after a demand for arbitration is filed, the arbitration venue shall select the arbitrator. The arbitration shall take place in our office unless we agree to a different venue. The arbitrator will determine the scope of discovery in the matter; however, it is the intent of the parties that any discovery proceedings be limited to the specific issues in the applicable matter, and that discovery be tailored to fulfill that intent. Initially, the cost of the arbitration shall be split evenly between the parties; however, the party prevailing in the arbitration shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
AI-Assisted Services
Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. may utilize artificial intelligence (AI) tools and systems to assist in providing certain Services. These AI-assisted Services are designed to enhance efficiency and quality but are always subject to human oversight. We commit to using AI ethically and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Client data processed by AI systems will be protected in accordance with our data protection policies. Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. retains responsibility for all Services provided, whether AI-assisted or not. Clients may request more information about our AI usage or opt-out of AI-assisted Services, which may affect service delivery or pricing.
Client’s Use of AI
- Disclosure: Client agrees to disclose to Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. any use of AI systems or tools that interact with or impact the IT environment under our management.
- Integration and Compatibility: Client understands that the introduction of AI systems may require additional integration efforts or changes to ensure compatibility with existing systems and our services.
- Security Implications: Client acknowledges that AI systems may introduce new security considerations. Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to implement additional security measures or modify existing ones to address these considerations. Any additional security measures required due to the client’s use of AI may incur extra costs, which will be the responsibility of the client. These costs will be communicated to the client and agreed upon before implementation.
- Performance Impact: Client understands that AI systems may impact network performance, storage requirements, or other IT resources. Any necessary upgrades or changes to accommodate these impacts will be the client’s responsibility.
- Data Governance: Client agrees to implement appropriate data governance measures for any AI system that processes sensitive or regulated data.
- Licensing and Compliance: Client is responsible for ensuring that all AI systems and tools they use are properly licensed and compliant with relevant regulations.
- Support Limitations: Chat Tech Solutions, Inc.'s support for client-introduced AI systems will be limited to their interaction with the managed IT environment. Direct support or troubleshooting of third-party AI systems is not included in standard service agreements.
- Risk Assessment: Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. may require a risk assessment before integrating client-introduced AI systems into the managed IT environment.
- Training: If the introduction of AI systems requires additional training for our staff, associated costs may be passed on to the client.
- Ethical Use: Client agrees to use AI systems ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to modify service terms or pricing if client’s use of AI significantly alters the scope or nature of our services. We commit to working collaboratively with clients to address the challenges and opportunities presented by AI technologies in the IT environment.
Changes to Services Statement
Services we provide and/or facilitate may be further described and governed under our Services Statement (defined above). We reserve the right, and you hereby agree that we are permitted, to modify our Services Statement from time to time, and you will be notified of those changes (if any) by email.
Portions of the Services may require you to accept the terms of one or more third party end user license agreements (“EULAs”). If the acceptance of a EULA is required to provide the Services to you, then you hereby grant us permission to accept the EULA on your behalf. EULAs may contain service levels, warranties and/or liability limitations that are different than those contained in this Agreement. You agree to be bound and abide by the terms of all EULAs. If while providing the Services we are required to comply with a third-party EULA and the third party EULA is modified or amended, we reserve the right to modify or amend any applicable Quote with you to ensure our continued compliance with the terms of the third party EULA.
You hereby represent and warrant that we are authorized to access all devices, peripherals and/or computer processing units, including mobile devices (such as notebook computers, smart phones and tablet computers) that are connected to the Environment (collectively, “Devices”), regardless of whether such Devices are owned, leased or otherwise controlled by you. Unless otherwise stated in writing by us, Devices managed under a Quote will not receive or benefit from the Services while the devices are detached from, or unconnected to, the Environment. Client is strongly advised to refrain from connecting Devices to the Environment where such devices are not previously known to us and are not expressly covered under a managed service plan from us (“Unknown Devices”). We will not be responsible for the diagnosis or remediation of any issues in the Environment caused by the connection or use of Unknown Devices in the Environment, and we will not be obligated to provide the Services to any Unknown Devices.
The information on equipment returned to us at the end of the Services will be deleted; however, we cannot and do not guarantee that deleted information will be rendered irrecoverable under all circumstances. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you permanently delete any personal, confidential, and/or highly-sensitive information from such equipment before returning that equipment to us.
Abandoned Equipment
If a customer fails to accept delivery or pick up a product within 60 days of being notified by email or a phone call, Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. will consider the property abandoned and has the right to sell, dispose of, or use any such products in any way it chooses.
Unless otherwise expressly stated in a Quote, the Services are not intended, and will not be used, to bring Client into full regulatory compliance with any rule, regulation, or requirement that may be applicable to Client’s business or operations. Depending on the Services provided, the Services may aid Client’s efforts to fulfill regulatory compliance; however, the Services are not (and should not be used as) a compliance solution.
You warrant and represent that you know of no law or regulation governing your business that would impede or restrict our provision of the Services, or that would require us to register with, or report our provision of the Services (or the results thereof), to any government or regulatory authority. You agree to promptly notify us if you become subject to any of the foregoing which, in our discretion, may require a modification to the scope or pricing of the Services. Similarly, if you are subject to responsibilities under any applicable privacy law (such as HIPAA), then you agree to identify to us any data or information subject to protection under that law prior to providing such information to us or, as applicable, prior to giving us access to such information.
No Fiduciary
The scope of our relationship with you is limited to the specific Services provided to you; no other relationship, fiduciary or otherwise, exists or will exist between us. If, by operation of law, a fiduciary relationship is imposed or presumed for out-of-scope services, you hereby waive that relationship and any fiduciary obligations thereunder.
Virtual Security
You understand and agree that no security solution is one hundred percent effective, and any security paradigm may be circumvented and/or rendered ineffective by certain malware, such as certain ransomware or rootkits that were unknown to the malware prevention industry at the time of infection, and/or which are downloaded or installed into the Environment. We do not warrant or guarantee that all malware or malicious activity will be capable of being detected, avoided, quarantined or removed, or that any data deleted, corrupted, or encrypted by such malware (“Impacted Data”) will be recoverable. Unless otherwise expressly stated in a Quote, the recovery of Impacted Data is out-of-scope. Moreover, unless expressly stated in a Quote or Services Statement, we will not be responsible for activating multifactor authentication in any application in or connected to the Environment. You are strongly advised to:
- Educate your employees to properly identify and react to “phishing” activity (i.e., fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information or encourage behavior by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity or person through email)
- Obtain insurance against cyberattacks, data loss, malware-related matters, and privacy-related breaches, as such incidents can occur even under a “best practice” scenario
Unless a malware-related incident is caused by our intentionally malicious behavior or our gross negligence, we are held harmless from any costs, expenses, or damages arising from or related to such incidents.
Physical Security
You agree to implement and maintain reasonable physical security for all managed hardware and related devices in your physical possession or control. Such security measures must include:
- Physical barriers, such as door and cabinet locks, designed to prevent unauthorized physical access to protected equipment
- An alarm system to mitigate and/or prevent unauthorized access to the premises at which the protected equipment is located
- Fire detection and retardant systems
- Periodic reviews of personnel access rights to ensure that access policies are being enforced, and to help ensure that all access rights are correct and promptly updated
Patches and updates to hardware and software (“Updates”) are created and distributed by third parties—such as equipment or software manufacturers—and may be supplied to us from time to time for installation into the Environment. If Updates are provided to you as part of the Services, we will implement and follow the manufacturers’ recommendations for the installation of Updates; however:
- We do not warrant or guarantee that any Update will perform properly
- We will not be responsible for any downtime or losses arising from or related to the installation, use, or inability to use any Update
- We will not be responsible for the remediation of any device or software that is rendered inoperable or non-functional due to the Update
- We reserve the right, but not the obligations, to refrain from installing an Update until we have determined, in our reasonable discretion, that the Updates will be compatible with the configuration of the Environment and materially beneficial to the features or functionality of the affected software or hardware
Each party (a “Restricted Party”) acknowledges and agrees that during the term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year following the termination of this Agreement, the Restricted Party will not, individually or in conjunction with others, directly or indirectly solicit, induce or influence any of the other party’s employees with whom the Restricted Party worked to discontinue or reduce the scope of their business relationship with the other party, or recruit, solicit or otherwise influence any employee of the other party with whom the Restricted Party worked to discontinue his/her employment or agency relationship with the other party. In the event of a violation of the terms of the restrictive covenants in this section, the parties acknowledge and agree that the damages to the other party would be difficult or impracticable to determine, and in such event, the Restricted Party will pay the other party as liquidated damages and not as a penalty an amount equal to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or the amount that the other party paid to that employee in the one (1) year period immediately preceding the date on which the Restricted Party violated the foregoing restriction, whichever is greater. In addition to and without limitation of the foregoing, any solicitation or attempted solicitation for employment directed to a party’s employees by the Restricted Party will be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement, in which event the affected party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate this Agreement or any then-current Quote immediately For Cause.
Non-Solicitation of Contractors
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year following its termination, the Client agrees not to directly or indirectly solicit, hire, or engage any contractor of Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. who was involved in providing Services to the Client. This includes but is not limited to attempting to employ or contract directly with such contractors for services similar to those provided under this Agreement. If the Client violates this provision, they agree to pay Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. a fee equal to fifty percent (50%) of the contractor’s annualized compensation (whether as an employee or contractor) as liquidated damages.
If we are required to send your account to Collections or to start any Collections-related action to recover undisputed fees, we will be entitled to recover all costs and fees we incur in the Collections process including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
Neither this Agreement nor any Quote may be assigned or transferred by a party without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their legal representatives, and permitted successors and assigns. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may assign our rights and obligations hereunder to a successor in ownership in connection with any merger, consolidation, or sale of substantially all of the assets of our business or any other transaction in which ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of our voting securities are transferred; provided, however, that the assignee expressly assumes our obligations hereunder.
This Agreement and any Quote may be amended only by a written document (email or similar electronic documents are sufficient for this purpose) that is initiated by us, and that specifically refers to this Agreement or the Quote being amended and is affirmatively accepted in writing (email or electronic signature is acceptable) by you.
Time Limitations
The parties mutually agree that, unless otherwise prohibited by law, any action for any matter arising out of or related to any Service (except for issues of nonpayment by Client) must be commenced within six (6) months after the cause of action accrues or the action is forever barred.
If any provision in this Agreement, any Quote, or the Services Statement is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be ineffective only to the extent of such invalidity, illegibility or unenforceability so that the remainder of that provision and all remaining provisions will be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
Other Terms
We will not be bound by any terms or conditions printed on any purchase order, invoice, memorandum, or other written communication supplied by you unless we have expressly acknowledged the other terms and, thereafter, expressly and specifically accepted such other terms in writing.
No Waiver
The failure of either party to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the temporary or recurring waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement, or the granting of an extension of the time for performance, will not constitute an Agreement to waive such terms with respect to any other occurrences.
This Agreement coupled with the Quote and the Services Statement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes any and all prior agreements, arrangements or understandings related to the Services; however, any payment obligations that you have or may have incurred under any prior superseded agreement are not nullified by this Agreement and remain in full force and effect. No representation, promise, inducement or statement of intention has been made by either party which is not embodied herein. We will not be bound by any of our agents’ or employees’ representations, promises or inducements unless they are explicitly set forth in this Agreement or in a Quote or Services Statement. Our website and marketing materials are provided to you for illustrative or educational purposes only and are not intended (and will not be interpreted as) creating additional duties, requirements, service levels, or promises or guarantees of specific services or specific service results.
Force Majeure
Neither party will be liable to the other party for delays or failures to perform its obligations because of circumstances beyond such party’s reasonable control. Such circumstances include, but will not be limited to, any intentional or negligent act committed by the other party, or any acts or omissions of any governmental authority, natural disaster, act of a public enemy, acts of terrorism, riot, sabotage, disputes or differences with workmen, power failure, communications delays/outages, delays in transportation or deliveries of supplies or materials, cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism, or hacking, malware or virus-related incidents that circumvent then-current anti-virus or anti-malware software, and acts of God.
The provisions contained in this Agreement that by their context are intended to survive termination or expiration of this Agreement will survive. If any provision in this Agreement is deemed unenforceable by operation of law, then that provision shall be excised from this Agreement and the balance of this Agreement shall be enforced in full.
Governing Law; Venue
This Agreement will be governed by, and construed according to, the laws of the state of Illinois. You hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of Cook County, Illinois, for all non-arbitrable claims and causes of action with us that arise from or relate to this Agreement.
No Third Party Beneficiaries
The Parties have entered into this Agreement solely for their own benefit. They intend no third party to be able to rely upon or enforce this Agreement or any part of this Agreement.
Usage in Trade
It is understood and agreed that no usage of trade or other regular practice or method of dealing between the Parties to this Agreement will be used to modify, interpret, or supplement in any manner the terms of this Agreement.
Notices; Writing Requirement
Where notice is required to be provided to a party under this Agreement, such notice may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight courier, or email as follows: notice will be deemed delivered three (3) business days after being deposited in the United States Mail, first class mail, certified or return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or one (1) day following delivery when sent by FedEx or other overnight courier, or one (1) day after notice is delivered by email. Notice sent by email will be sufficient only if the message is sent to the last known email address of the recipient or such other email address that is expressly designated by the recipient for the receipt of legal notices. All electronic documents and communications between the parties, including email, will satisfy any “writing” requirement under this Agreement.
Independent Contractor
Chat Tech Solutions, Inc. is an independent contractor, and is not your employer, employee, partner, or affiliate.
Should we elect to use contractors to provide onsite services to you (such as the installation of equipment or the installation of software on local devices), we will guarantee that work as if we performed that work ourselves. For the purposes of clarity, you understand and agree that Third Party Services are resold to you and, therefore, are not contracted or subcontracted services; and Third Party Providers are not our contractors or subcontractors.
Data & Service Access
Some of the Services may be provided by persons outside of the United States and/or your data may occasionally be accessed, viewed, or stored on secure servers located outside of the United States. You agree to notify us if your company requires us to modify these standard service provisions, in which case additional (and potentially significant) costs will apply.
“Per Seat” Licensing Fees
The Services may require us to purchase certain “per seat” licenses from Third Party Providers (such as, for example, Microsoft which sells per seat licenses under its “New Commerce Experience” licensing model). Unless otherwise expressly stated in a Quote, per seat licenses cannot be canceled once they are purchased and cannot be transferred to any other customer. If we purchase per seat licenses for you, then those licenses will require a definite term—such as a one (1) or three (3) year term—which may be paid annually or monthly but, in all cases, must be paid in full by you; please see your Quote for details. For that reason, you understand and agree that regardless of the reason for termination of the Services, you are required to pay for all applicable per seat licenses in full for the entire term of those licenses. Provided that you have paid for those licenses in full, you will be permitted to use the licenses until they expire, even if you move to a different managed service provider.
The parties intend to sign, accept and/or deliver any Quote, this Agreement, or any amendment in any number of counterparts, and each of which will be deemed an original and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to be one agreement. Each party may sign, accept, and/or deliver any Quote, this Agreement, or any amendment electronically (e.g., by digital signature and/or electronic reproduction of a handwritten signature) or by reference (as applicable).
Updated: 1/28/2025