Above is a 4th of July message from the other Barack as we get ready to celebrate the founding of this nation of immigrants. It’s a valuable reminder from a man deserving of everything he achieved, most significantly his position as the president of the USA. He is a very inspiring human: well educated, eloquently spoken, and a graceful leader. A US president with vision, compassion, intellect, and wisdom. Someone who shattered all the norms and said “yes, we can”.
I vividly remember the excitement and pride I felt on the day he was elected. One of my prized possessions is a copy of the Chicago Tribune from that very day with a large photo of him along with the words “Our next President”. Whenever I feel defeated by current headlines, I remind myself that this is still a country where some can succeed simply by working hard and having decency.
Barack captured the votes and hearts of so many Americans. Given today’s options, I believe the majority would still vote for him, more so than ever. I have hope that others like him will rise up in our lifetime, and we’ll once again watch them speak as we hold back tears, that we’ll once again see a president of the United States take decisive action to protect all of its citizens regardless of their race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. I refuse to surrender to outcomes stemming from gridlocks, filibusters, Supreme Court judges, or politicians passing the ball around. I refuse to stay silent for things that matter.
Whether it’s regarding the judicial system or other politics, we have a voice because we get a vote. I have no doubt there are other Baracks all around us. Let’s find ways to support them in unlocking their potential, and therefore our potential as a nation. Here are some ways to get involved in local politics and help shape our path.
The future is bright. While the new generation is quite diverse in their thinking and lifestyle, they are united in defending what’s right. They just need our support, trust, and most importantly, belief in them.
Happy Birthday America,
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead