Today is Relationship Renewal Day, and you probably had no idea. Don’t worry, I just found out recently and thought it would be a great opportunity to take a break from computer talk. As we age, transform, relocate, and experience other changes, we often lose friends. However, losing relationships to life’s circumstances is not inevitable. This week, I’m going to share a simple, three-step formula to rekindle old relationships. Let’s pick one “deserving” person from the past to give it a go together. Are you with me?
Before we begin, I suggest you take a quick peek at this great read. It starts with one of my favorite quotes: “You don’t have to rebuild a relationship with everyone you’ve forgiven.” Before you proceed, take all the time you need to make sure you pick the right person for this practice.
The first step is to share a memory. Start by acknowledging that it’s been a long time since you talked, but that you would love to reconnect. Share a happy memory with them and include a photo if possible. Reminiscing about good times lowers walls and opens doors.
The second step is to address the past. Pretending like nothing happened always has an adverse effect. Set aside your ego. This is not about defending yourself or making excuses. If you think an apology is due, this is the time to give one. This is the most critical step. It’s best to make sure you are ready to see and accept the past with honesty and compassion before getting started with this practice.
The third step is to be prepared to accept any outcome. Remember, this is just an invitation to reconnect. Just like you could, your old friend may choose to decline. Often, it’s not personal. They may not be ready to reconnect with the past right now. Give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to try. Chances are there are many other old friends out there who would love to reconnect with you — and possibly yearning for a friendship revival.
I have already picked an old friend from the past. Are you ready?
See you next week!
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead