Maxwell has been faithfully by my side for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I could write a book about everything we have done together, but chances are we would be the only ones interested in reading it. We moved to an apartment and started over, went for long walks, and sat under the sun together, made margaritas, danced funny, and passed out on the couch while watching a movie. I can’t imagine how hard all the twists and turns of life would have been without him. Any time is a good time to show my appreciation for his existence, but next week presents a special opportunity. Pet Appreciation Week starts on June 4th, and I thought it would be a great idea to share some ideas on how we intend to celebrate.
As the weather warms up, we plan to go for longer walks. We’ll discover new patches of grass to explore, have delicious treats on the way to savor, and make new doggy friends. Who knows, we may even squeeze in a river boat ride together and enjoy the sights and smells.
Maxwell does not discriminate when it comes to food. Everything from celery sticks to dragon fruit can be delicious. But maybe baking a cookie could be a bit more special? We intend to make a healthy homemade treat using this recipe that includes our favorite vegetable, sweet potatoes! Topped with whipped cream and with permission to make a mess on a special throw, we can’t wait to let loose!
While Maxwell doesn’t care for toys, there must still be a way to have fun and stimulate our minds. We both love food, so maybe we can incorporate that into our activities? We found this puzzle that guarantees tasty treats as a prize. Count us in!
According to this article, there is music that is soothing for Maxwell’s ears! While we always listen to my music when we are together, maybe we can create a compilation specifically for Maxwell when I’m away? That would really help make his alone time more relaxing.
Whatever we do or share together, I have made him a promise to be fully present and savor our time. I’m his one and only human until the end of his days, the person he shares his life with through better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. We may not have verbalized such vows, but he has already taught me how to live by them from day one.
I love you, Maxwell.
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead