Hello August!
This is your captain speaking. As we move through beautiful days of summer, make time to enjoy the sunny days and gorgeous nights. We’ll soon be flying through adverse weather conditions, and you don’t want to have any regrets.
My favorite way to let off steam in summer is to relax with a cold beer and Bobo (aka Maxwell) on the balcony. Sometimes I even bring my favorite snack, roasted hazelnuts, as seen in the reddish bowl. My go to beer is usually an IPA from some craft brewery. I especially enjoy those with a smooth finish. Wait a second… why are we talking about beer? Well, today is National IPA (India Pale Ale) Day. Did you know in 1700s British sailors brought beer with more hops on their journey to India because brewing beer there was difficult due to the hot climate? Hops are a natural preservative and the pale ales had a higher hop content, which helped them keep their flavor as they traveled from England to India. IPAs not only have a long history, but also lots of variety.
So how do you remember what beer you like? There is an app for that! Untappd is a beer lover’s friend for discovering and sharing their favorite beers. Talking about discovering beers, did you know there is a very convenient way to do so? Craft Beer Club membership can deliver a unique selection of craft brews to your doorstep every month. This subscription also makes a great gift for a beer loving family member or friend.
You may not care for beer. Maybe I can offer you some wine? Today also happens to be National White Wine Day – a great addition to lazy summer nights with some cheese and crackers. I admit, I’m not very wine savvy but in case you’re curious, here is a brief summary of white wine. While I usually prefer a savory red, sauvignon blanc becomes very enjoyable on a hot summer night when paired with variety of hors d’oeuvres. Maybe you are considering hosting a little wine pairing night? I have my eye on couple of recipes for hors d’oeuvres here.
You may not care for beer or wine. You may not even drink alcoholic beverages. I have something for you in here too! Both beer and wine is about 90% water, and nothing can replace a cold glass of water on a hot summer day. I tried variety of water filtration systems but settled on Zero water pitcher. It’s convenient and somehow extremely delicious (if water can be described that way). So, in conclusion, I have one piece of advice: Whatever you choose to drink, stay hydrated my friends!
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead