Last Sunday afternoon, I joined hundreds of Chicagoans outside of Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church to be one voice against war. As crowds chanted “USA help Ukraine,” there were tears, anger, and strength in the faces all around me. Along with the rest of the world, I pray for this aggression to end and for peace to return to innocent people caught in the political games being played. As I got back into my car after the protest, I found myself badly in need of a jolt of hope. One Day by Matisyahu did just that. “All my life I’ve been waiting for, I’ve been praying for, for the people to say, that we don’t wanna fight no more, there’ll be no more war, and our children will play.” I imagine most everyone wishes for the world in Matisyahu’s lyrics, so during times like this we unite. Arriving home after the protest filled with hope I found this article to guide me on how I can support the people in Ukraine. Then, to further feed my soul, I found inspiration in these Top 10 TED talks that’ll change your life.
For a tomorrow filled with peace, love, and freedom,
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead
Russia’s effort to spread disinformation and propaganda across foreign and domestic media about its invasion of Ukraine started weeks ago, and it’s expected to ramp up now that the war has begun. Many people are following the conflict via social media, and the instantaneous capability to distribute information on social media apps makes them a valuable resource for both sides. Check out this article to see how social media companies are responding. |
Across the country, many Americans are desperate to support Ukraine as its people try to fend off a Russian invasion that has left hundreds dead, thousands homeless and millions fearful of what could become of their country in the weeks ahead. One simple step, experts say, is to remain informed about the conflict and to be cautious about the information that’s spread on social media. Disinformation is one of Russia’s favorite weapons of war, and accidentally amplifying it can harm civilians. For more information, check out this article. |
7 Ways to Take Screenshots on Windows Computers
Taking a screenshot to capture your display is both useful and easy. Maybe you want to save an online receipt, or maybe you want to capture a particularly noteworthy gaming feat to show off to your friends. Windows 10 and 11 offer the same built-in tools (Snip & Sketch and Snipping Tool), as well as several keyboard shortcuts will let you take a screenshot in an instant. Read more here. |
On March 4, we let our inner nerd out for National Grammar Day! The day was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, the founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar. The day’s motto is: “It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!” We take that imperative seriously, so this National Grammar Day, we are celebrating the idiosyncrasies of the English language by studying up on obscure but commonly used grammar rules – like the correct order for adjectives and when to actually use “an”! |