Earlier this week I visited WNDR Museum and truly enjoyed it! It was my backup plan for a rainy Chicago day as I had a guest from out of town. I did not have expectations of anything profound, but the exhibit with the quote below really spoke to me (you can see an image of it here). I have always enjoyed listening to and telling stories. They feel even more valuable to me now than ever before. I aim to continue creating stories with more meaning and share stories with profound messages more often. I hope you enjoy the quote below as much as I did, and I thank you for being part of my stories and the stories told about me.
“History is handed down through stories. We take someone else’s word for almost everything we know. Stories inform our identities, in that we are no more than the stories we tell, we are told, and are told about us. Some are told more than others, some are told longer, some get forgotten entirely. Here we are. Consistently sandwiched between everything and nothing. Everything as in everything that has ever happened up until this exact point. And nothing as in all of the things that are yet to happen. What is done is done. What’s yet to come is yet to come. This is where you stand.”
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead
How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook
Considering deleting your Facebook? We don’t blame you. From the ongoing series of Wall Street Journal stories that claim the company repeatedly ignored internal research about the various harms its products cause, to the general sense that Facebook is probably not so great for society, there are many valid reasons. If you’ve reached the breaking point with Facebook, here’s how to permanently delete your profile (hint: deleting the app from your phone is not enough). It also includes steps on how to limit how much it can track you after you’re gone.
National Dictionary Day is this Saturday and the logophiles and lexophiles are excited! Both of these words mean “a lover of words” but did you know that logophile and lexophile are seldom included in dictionaries? A few dictionaries have logophile, but lexophile is rarely, if ever, included. The lovers of wordplay have coined these words for their own entertainment. The difference between these two words is very subtle.
- A logophile is one who finds pleasure in the nuances of different words, and who is alert to synonyms, antonyms, homophones, and homonyms, often using them for effect and often in humor.
- A lexophile is one who loves to play with words using them in in unique ways, for instance, in word games, puzzles, anagrams, palindromes, etc.
Just for fun, here is a list of cool words to check out! It includes words for all levels of language lovers, so check it out!
The Windows 11 rollout is underway, with brand new PCs and newer hardware first in line. If you’re on an older machine, you might have to wait a few months to see an option to upgrade. Regardless, there are some new cool features in Windows 11 that you may want to check out. Read this article to learn more.
Global Hand-washing Day is Oct 15th
Just two years ago, hand-washing and its importance in helping prevent the spread of diseases seemed casual. But the global pandemic has really shone a light on the importance of hand-washing, meaning this holiday now carries extra relevance even though it has been around since 2008. We’re sure you’re a pro hand-washer by now, here are some hand-washing myths to check out for fun!