Happy early Valentine’s Day!
As a believer of power of love, I couldn’t wait to write this week’s newsletter. I’m giving you a fair warning: what you are about to read may increase your appetite so perhaps read it on a full stomach.
I’m believe we’re quite similar to a delicious loaf of bread. Hungry yet? We’re all made from the same ingredients, but what happens next is almost always quite tricky. Most are baked to that delicious golden color. However, some just fall apart (too much flour), some never rise to their potential (not enough yeast), some are too dense (lacking enough water). What is the most important step in making bread rise to the occasion? Once all the ingredients are mixed, bread has to be kneaded – and we all want to be needed!
Each of us play a unique role in this puzzle of life and need one another to survive. Yet, we often do a poor job of expressing that need in a kind way. Love is all it takes, and Valentine’s Day is a great occasion for this! I’m a true believer of spreading generous amounts of peanut butter & jelly (love & care), on each other’s bread (life). Let us all make this journey sweet and delicious for one another. How hard could that be?
Just one tiny request: When you spread that peanut butter and jelly, please leave your computer out of the fun. Yes, many years back, someone walked in asking for help after sharing their breakfast with their laptop. Not an easy fix. Assuming you don’t have such complicated needs, here is a great article on how to clean your computer inside and out. After all, Clean Out Your Computer Day is just one day before Valentine’s!
Look forward to seeing you next week with a clean computer and a belly full of love.
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead