Welcome to 2022. So far, it feels like this year is a mutation of the last. However, I firmly believe things will change for better in a big way, so why not start the change early with me by forming new, and healthy habits!
Goat Yoga anyone? This photo was taken just before Covid. It’s hard to do yoga with goats these days since the goats don’t understand the masks and pull them off your face. I have, however, started working towards forming a habit of daily meditation and exercise.
In a world constantly asking for attention with lots of distractions, I have already started feeling the calming effects of meditation. It’s a great investment in your health for only about 15 minutes each day! Here is where I go for meditation and here is how meditation helps your mind. As for exercise, I like this app. The teachers are engaging, the app is free, and there are variety of classes. Here is my favorite trainer who has great energy and keeps a big smile throughout the entire class.
We all have unique wishes from 2022, and I’m quite hopeful that the year will deliver. What we can do in the meantime is form healthy habits, and here is a great article on how. I hope to see a happier and a healthier you this year.
– Burak Sarac, Team Lead
Dust off your rubber ducky this winter because it’s National Bubble Bath Day on January 8! In the midst of busy adult life, taking the time to give yourself a bath can seem tedious (as does all self-care, more or less), but we promise it’s worth it. Here’s a guide to the perfect bubble bath if you need it, but it’s rather simple. Find a scent you like, a beverage you enjoy, and a meditation/book/movie/etc. to consume. Then, turn off your phone and shut the door, letting time slip away.
Apple has released a gloomy but practical new feature starting from iOS 15.2: Legacy Contacts. Legacy Contact are assigned by users to be able to access certain types of data from the user’s Apple ID if/when the user dies. Legacy Contacts are only able to access the deceased’s Apple account after they passed away. This is an especially useful feature for older users who want their photos, contacts, email, etc. to be accessible after passing. Read here to learn more about Legacy Contacts and how to set them up.
By mid-January, most of our various holiday decorations and Christmas trees have made their way out of our homes. National Houseplant Appreciation Day is on January 10 every year, and it reminds us that we don’t have to lose the freshness and vibrancy that plants bring to our homes just because the holidays have drawn to a close. If you have the post-holiday blues, this is the perfect chance for you to brighten up your house with a lovely plant that you can enjoy all year long. Check out this beginner’s guide to indoor growing to get started!
Disable Google’s Tracking Features
Google stores your location and data history when you use any of it’s apps. This feature is useful in that it allows Google to tailer your user experience (ads, reminders, etc.), but many people are uncomfortable with the idea of being tracked regardless. If that’s you, here are steps you can take to turn the feature off.