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To Resolve or Not Resolve…


For some time in 2021, all felt back on track. However, sometimes troubles mutate and so does uncertainty. As 13th-century poet Rumi put it perfectly, “[Fear is the] non-acceptance of uncertainty. If we accept that uncertainty, it becomes an adventure!” What an adventure this year has been, and what adventure shall continue! This year taught me to appreciate moments, seeing them as little adventures in life, of which we should strive to make the most. Looking back now, I smile at the challenges, and see them as the salt & pepper of my routine.


During the holidays we tend to wish one another good health, wealth, and success. I’ll do something a little different, but first let me tell you why. As my team and I sat back in our masks to share some holiday cheer at The Nutcracker, I grabbed my phone to take the photo above. My camera launched facing me and I realized my smile was so big I could see my crow’s feet. Smiles turn to joy, and joy to happiness. It heals you, and those all around. As Thích Nhất Hạnh, 95 year old Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk says, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, and sometimes your smile is the source of your joy.”


Big headlines will come and go (here are those from 2021), but they will not define who we are. As we step into 2022, I wish for each of you cultivate the power within, smile at every challenge, and seize every moment.


2022, adventure awaits…

– Burak Sarac, Team Lead


To Resolve or Not Resolve…

As over rated as they are, New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to set an intent for this new chapter of your life. There are lots of strategies for achieving your resolutions, most of which suggest specific, measurable, and time-bound goals. However, sometimes specific goals can be overwhelming since they are easy to fail. The alternative is to set achievable, over-arching resolutions that don’t get caught up in the specifics. For example, instead of “I’m going to stop smoking” or “I’m going to lose my Covid weight”, a resolution like “I am going to prioritize my health and long-term happiness” might be kinder on yourself. Regardless of what type of resolution you set, make sure to write it down in a place where you will see it: the fridge, your bathroom mirror, etc. Let your resolution be a reminder to yourself on how you want to shape your life – a sort of touch stone to use when making day to day decisions or setting other short-term goals. Check out this list for resolution inspiration.


Tech Predictions for 2022

A number of predictive lists for tech trends in 2022 were reviewed during the writing of this article. What did they all have in common? Other than guesses on sustainability and VR, not much. The IEEE Computer Society Report offers guesses on upcoming innovations, the Guardian gives guesses on the future of Twitter & NFTs, and pretty much everyone is talking about the Metaverse. There is one prediction, however, that we can guarantee: Chat Tech Solutions will continue to support you and all of your techie needs, keep you informed, and pursue the best cyber security for you and your team.


Global Traditions

From sending post cards to eating grapes, every country has unique traditions surrounding the welcoming a new year. Have you ever wondered how different cultures celebrate the new year? This article covers traditions from countries around the globe.


Apple’s Next Move

While only a rumor, the tech world is gearing up for Apple’s next predicted big move: AR glasses. Most people know of VR (virtual reality) glasses, which place a screen so close to your eyes that your brain is tricked into thinking you’ve been transported to a computer-generated world.  In comparison, AR (augmented reality) overlays computer information on images of the real world (think: spy glasses). Check out this article for details on Apple’s predicted release date, hypothesized device functionality, and anticipated concerns.
