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Chasing Focus and Clarity

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Chasing Focus and Clarity

Remember the days when we had to wait weeks to see the photos we took? We took our time snapping through all 36 shots on a film, then patiently bring it to a photo studio for development. At the age of 14, my first job was in one of those small photo studios. On my second Monday at work, I learned two valuable lessons that continue to guide me to this day. This week, I’m excited to share them with you.

1- If you don’t have the answer or even sometimes if you do, seek help
> Being tall and appearing mature for my age, I was quickly entrusted with the keys to the photo studio, becoming the shopkeeper at the age of 14. One afternoon, a young woman brought in her camera and requested the film to be removed and developed. Though I had never removed film from a camera before, my pride prevented me from seeking assistance, so I attempted to open the camera myself. Regrettably, the light immediately ruined a significant portion of her wedding photos, leaving her understandably furious. Surprisingly, I didn’t lose my job, but I did learn a valuable lesson: taking on tasks I’m unfamiliar with without seeking help can lead to serious problems. Most of us begin our journey as business owners wearing many hats and solving problems. Whatever it is, we often think we can figure it out. That’s why it’s crucial to keep ourselves in check, seek the right assistance, and learn the art of delegation. It’s a necessity for making the most of your time and avoiding unexpected surprises. To help you become a better delegator, here are 5 tips you can use:

2- Keeping your space clear brings clarity
> As the shop attendant, my responsibilities included maintaining organization and assisting customers. The shop’s owner would often drop by after a day of playing cards with his friends, usually just a couple of hours before closing time, and assign me tasks that involved sorting, organizing, and clearing everything from paperwork to merchandise. Back then, it felt like the boss man wanted to keep me busy. However, in later years, I came to realize the value of starting my workday in a calm and organized environment, thanks to these evening tasks. If you’re seeking to find tranquility in your physical space, here’s a good place to start: But don’t stop there. Consider implementing a well-organized filing system for your documents. Here are 7 tips, which I like to call the ‘rules of the road,’ to help you with effective file management:

Whether it’s the clutter within your own mind or the chaos in your external surroundings, a disorganized state can have a profound impact on your physical and mental well-being, often adding to your stress. Take a moment to release the things that no longer bring you joy and then take steps to organize what remains. Watch your heartbeat slow down and catch your breath.

See you next week,

– Burak Sarac, Team Lead

M3 MacBook Pro: Here’s You Should Know

Curious about the latest M3 MacBook Pro and want to know all the details? This article covers everything you’ll need to understand about this latest Apple release. It offers a detailed insight into the release date, price, and specifications of the M3 MacBook Pro, providing an overview. It also discusses various features, shedding light on the capabilities and advancements of this new laptop model. Whether you’re considering an upgrade or simply curious about the newest Apple technology, this article could be your go-to resource for understanding the M3 MacBook Pro.

Fraud Awareness Week 

As we approach the International Fraud Awareness Week taking place from November 12th to 18th, 2023, it’s crucial to be especially vigilant about safeguarding ourselves from fraudulent activities. With this in mind, take these tips with you to become a smarter consumer and avoid fraud. With this information, you can learn to identify potential threats and protect yourself while conducting transactions or sharing personal details online. It’s a timely resource designed to empower individuals with the necessary tools and insights to prevent falling victim to fraud, aligning perfectly with the goals of International Fraud Awareness Week.

iPhone App Privacy Report: What It Is and How to Access?

In today’s digital age, our smartphones are home to a treasure trove of personal information. Protecting our data is essential. To help protect our privacy, Apple has introduced a feature called the App Privacy Report, which helps us understand how apps use our data. This feature aims to empower users to understand and manage their data more effectively. It’s a valuable resource, especially for those concerned about their digital privacy and looking for ways to control their personal information. Understanding and utilizing the App Privacy Report could enhance your iPhone experience by allowing you to safeguard your data more efficiently.

Celebrate #TGIF Night with a Bang!

Friday nights are the gateway to the weekend, and it’s the time to let loose and have some fun. But sometimes you might find yourself wondering what to do for fun. Here are the lists of 39 exciting and enjoyable activities to turn your Friday night into a TGIF celebration. These activities are designed to help you unwind, connect with friends and family, or even go on a solo adventure. So, no matter your mood or circumstances, you’re bound to find something that suits your style and makes you excited about Fridays.

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